David Campt, dialogue thought leader has created the White Ally Toolkit, for white people who want to end racism.
His family was one of three Black families in his neighborhood in Detroit. He talks about class differences amongst Black people and how it impacted him.
He says “instead of being shocked about racial divisions, we need to start changing that.” Most white people he’s spoken with have very little meaningful interactions with Black people.
In this conversation on race, David calls me on my bias and asks about my awareness and transformation. Listen in if you want to know more.
David offers tips on how to talk about race with people who are different. There are three dimensions to think about when having a conversation on race.
1- Cultural Difference
2- Unconscious bias and the science behind it
3- Impact of history
Some people think unconscious bias exists and history matters. Other people think bias doesn’t exist and history matters.
What are the ways we look at each other, and how do we deal with conscious bias too.
We have to talk to people who don’t agree with us, don’t understand racism and don’t see it as a problem. Only talking to people who agree with us on race and racism doesn’t bring about the change. White people who are conscious have to get to know and talk to other white people who don’t believe that way.
Instead of seeing all white people who voted for Trump as a group, we need to each talk to one person and open their minds.